
Wireless trap release developed from more than 10 years of customers’ and shooters’ comments, the Wi-Card range of Clay Counting Trap Controllers is set to retain our industry lead and is the most important new product to wear the Promatic-Claymate Badge of Excellence.
The system can be programmed in three configurations:
Cost based with up to eight different cost settings
Target based, counting up or down
Both cost and target based, at the same time
You may choose to operate the count-down cards for day-to-day customers, who can have their credit card swiped in, much the same way as restaurants, so in the event that a customer leaves without paying, a fixed maximum amount can be recovered.
You may also choose to operate the count-up cards for club members who will pay their bills regularly, with maximum limits depending on their ‘Credit Standing’ in the club. Free play mode is also available, whereby selected controllers will throw targets without a Counter Card present. This may be necessary for competitions where stands are refereed, entrants are booked in and targets pre-paid. Besides easy-to-follow instructions, various safety measures are included within the software to ensure the System is as secure and idiot-proof as it can be. This product represents a pinnacle of achievement in the way the System communicates with you using the four-line display and a menu structure that is extremely user-friendly, with only 5 buttons. While there is no need for a desktop PC to operate Claymate we have adapted it for the PC software that is to follow, by enabling you to use data stored on each card - such as total targets thrown overall or by each controller – giving you the opportunity to analyse your customers’ needs without any market research costs. We have also anticipated the future with all the necessary hardware, to allow for Plug ‘n’ Play Radio Systems, Solar charging and more. While many range owners are facing a tough financial challenge, Wi-Card ensures that you get paid for every clay thrown on your ground and offers greater facilities for shooters.
Systems for Sporting, 5-Stand, Skeet, ATA Trap and Olympic Trap
100% reliable in all weathers
Pre-wired for all Promatic traps
Cards can be set to count up or down, target-based or cost-based
Cards can be set to start or stop from any target value from 1 to 9,999
Multiple Charging: members or guests rates, Sporting or Skeet, Standard or Rabbits – You decide what to charge
Single or double arm counting for Double traps
Solo shooter delay
End of Day Shut Down, and Morning Wake Up routines so you control your opening times
Single targets, following pairs or true pairs counted separately
Large two line 16 character display, to show target selections, targets thrown and other system information.
Unique Ground Code and Identification Number match card and ground for total security
Controllers can be securely set to 'Free-Play' for competition days when target counting is required, as well as clay launcher control but without needing a card to operate
Stuck button detection
Connectors for two handsets
Full audit functions
Audio feedback to shooters
Compatible with Super Sporting, Skeet/Trap Claymate and Multi-trap controllers including Evolution.

Controller with Handset and Wall Bracket
2-Trap kits include a 3-Button Handset
4-Trap kits include a 4-Button Handset
Includes Receivers with Stands
Controller with Handset and Wall Bracket